Social Activities

People make society and Societies make a nation. Thus, it becomes the responsibility of every person to care, support, and think about society when she needs it. Sewa Bharati is dedicated to serve the society and nation in each and every adverse situation, call it a natural disaster or pandemic, we always reach first to the affected people with our volunteers and representative organisations, sewa Bharati. Sewa Bharati also won Healthgiri Awards 2020 for Best NGO that extended timely help to migrants during Covid-19

Sewa Bharati also runs many projects for social causes such as mass weddings, orphanages, Bhajan Mandali, cremation support centers, creche, and many more. Currently, we are running around more than thousand of projects.


blankets and other woolen clothes distributed among the underprivileged people


Notebooks distribution at Keshav Kendra


Notebooks Distribution at Education Centers


T-shirts distribution to Kendra students


Sweater and woolen Cap distribution


Sweater and woolen Cap distribution to Kendra Children


Shoe distribution among underprivileged people

Shoe distribution among underprivileged people in Greater Noida


Kishori Vikas Training Varg organized for teachers

Kishori Vikas Training Varg organized for teachers